In the aftermath of the Genesis Chamber, Detective Andy Cooper has taken what is seemingly an endless sabbatical to deal with his deceased brother’s business affairs leaving his partner, Maria Hernandez, to step up as Senior Detective in the Homicide Department of Orlando PD.
With the assistance of her newly appointed partner, Maria’s first investigation in charge is the brutal murder of an employee of local mob boss, Franco Baresi. The FBI take an interest in the high profile case causing friction between the hard headed Detective and the Feds.
To stretch her policing skills to the limit, Travis, Maria’s lover, stumbles across a horrific scene while tracking down a known child molester following a tip from a TV vigilante, creating further interest from the FBI, and when the Baresi employee body count continues to rise, the killer is caught on CCTV only to be identified by Jennifer as Genesis.
Has the prolific killer returned to wreak revenge for a past wrong doing?